Up albums.lunelson.com » 2010 » 2010-10-29 Phyllis and Larry's 50th Anniversary Slideshow

IMG_7324 Jean and Jack
IMG_7325 Gilmores and Mom
IMG_7326 cake
IMG_7327 Charlotte and Mary
IMG_7328 cake
IMG_7330 cake
IMG_7331 room
IMG_7332 room
IMG_7334 Larry's first look
IMG_7335 Larry
IMG_7336 Larry and Phyllis enter
IMG_7337 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7339 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7340 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7341 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7342 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7343 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7344 phyllis talking to table
IMG_7346 Larry clotheslining Mom
IMG_7348 Phyllis and Mom
IMG_7349 Jack and Larry noticing Steve
IMG_7350 Jack and Larry
IMG_7351 Jean and Larry hugging
IMG_7353 Steve Trang Emily and Larry
IMG_7354 Steve Trang Larry and Emily
IMG_7355 Phyllis and Mom
IMG_7356 Phyllis and Mom
IMG_7359 Phyllis hugging Emily and Trang
IMG_7361 Steve Emily Phyllis and Trang
IMG_7363 Steve Emily Jean and Phyllis
IMG_7364 Steve Emily Trang Jean and Phyllis
IMG_7366 Larry talking to Jim
IMG_7368 Harrison and Phyllis
IMG_7370 Larry in conversation
IMG_7377 Phyllis hugging Donna Kay
IMG_7379 Mary and Phyllis
IMG_7383 Charlotte Phyllis and Mary
IMG_7394 Emily
IMG_7395 Milda and Phyllis
IMG_7400 Dad
IMG_7402 Emily and Loagen
IMG_7404 Fallyn Sophie and Loagen
IMG_7407 Dad MCing
IMG_7409 Dad MCing
IMG_7411 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7412 Larry and Phyllis
IMG_7414 Larry and Phyllis getting food
IMG_7417 Larry and Phyllis getting food
IMG_7418 buffet
IMG_7422 cake topper and wedding picture
IMG_7423 centerpiece
IMG_7435 magician
IMG_7440 Loagen watching magic show
IMG_7442 magician
IMG_7447 rope trick
IMG_7448 rope trick
IMG_7452 rope trick
IMG_7457 magic trick with Larry
IMG_7462 Loagen watching magic
IMG_7468 head chop trick
IMG_7476 Loagen with the best seat in the house
IMG_7479 magician and Loagen
IMG_7481 levitation
IMG_7482 Phyllis cutting cake
IMG_7486 Mom and Trang serving cake
IMG_7487 Steve and Trang with cake
IMG_7496 sign
IMG_7498 Jack Phyllis Larry and Jean
IMG_7500 Charlotte Mary Phyllis Larry Mom and Dad
IMG_7502 Charlotte Mary Phyllis Larry Mom and Dad
IMG_7504 Larry M Charlotte Mary Phyllis Larry Mom and Dad
IMG_7505 Steve Phyllis Larry and Mark
IMG_7507 Trang Steve Emily Phyllis Larry Milda and Mark
IMG_7508 Trang Steve Emily Phyllis Larry Milda and Mark
IMG_7510 Trang Steve Phyllis Emily Larry Mark and Milda
IMG_7511 Trang Steve Phyllis Emily Larry Mark and Milda
IMG_7512 Trang Steve Phyllis Emily Larry Mark and Milda
IMG_7513 Trang Steve Phyllis Sophie Fallyn Emily Larry Loagen Mark and Milda

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